When Is the Best Time of Year to Build a Pool? | Pulliam Pools

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When Is the Best Time of Year to Build a Pool?

Once you’ve decided to go ahead and have a new pool built at your home, the next decision you need to make is when you’re going to have it done. While the immediate temptation might just be to say “As soon as possible!”, it’s worth taking the time to consider your options carefully.

That’s because there are different advantages and disadvantages to each time of year, so this article will consider each season to see why it might or might not be the best time for your particular pool project to be put into production.

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Spring might seem like a great time to have your pool built – it is, after all, the season of renewal, when the flowers and plants in your backyard start to come to life after winter. That means you can plan your planting in line with your build to create the complete backyard. A spring build will also give you the time to enjoy your pool during summer and fall. 

There are disadvantages, however. For starters, the weather isn’t always reliable at this time of year. If spring showers make the ground too wet, then it can make excavation more difficult. And because spring is one of the more popular times of year for having a pool built, you may have to wait as your project joins a long queue. You may also have to pay a premium as demand for both contractors and materials booms.


Summer is the perfect time to build a new pool in terms of the weather. Because the ground is likely to be as dry as it ever gets, that should make excavation relatively straightforward and mean that your build gets completed more quickly. If you want to keep the disruption at your home to a minimum, that can be a big motivating factor when it comes to timing!

However, as with spring, it’s a popular time for new pools so you’ll probably pay more than you would during fall or winter. And all that work going on in your backyard means that you won’t get to enjoy it for the whole summer season. Building a pool can be both a noisy and dusty operation, so even opening your windows to let some fresh air in could make for a less than perfect environment. Meanwhile, a summer build means that once everything has been completed, you may have to wait until next year before you can start to enjoy it.


As with summer, a fall build should mean dry ground that’s quick and easy to dig so that your project should be able to proceed smoothly and quickly. And because you should be past the busiest time of year for contractors, you might be able to arrange your build at relatively short notice and at a cheaper price than during spring or summer. Meanwhile, the plants and soil around your new pool should have time to recover, ready for the growing season next spring.

Of course, as with a summer build, constructing a new pool in the fall means that you’re going to have to wait until next year before you can start to make the most of it.


Get your project started before the holiday season and you may be able to enjoy the best of all worlds – cheaper labour and materials together with a trouble-free build. And if your timings all come together nicely, you’ll be able to start using your new pool just at the right time, as the weather starts to warm up again.

Of course, choosing winter means you’ll be taking a chance with the weather, because a cold spell or even snow could mean frozen ground that’s hard to dig, potentially leading delays to your build. 


As you can see, any time of year can be a good time to schedule building a new inground swimming pool. You just need to consider the various factors involved and work out which will be best for you. Of course, the experts here at Pulliam Pools can give you the benefit of their considerable experience and advise you on the best way to ensure a successful and cost-effective build every time.

Get in touch with us now to find out more and talk to our experienced team about your plans.

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