The Best Plants to Have Around Your Pool | Pulliam Pools

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The Best Plants to Have Around Your Pool

A new pool may be the centerpiece of your backyard, but there’s a lot more you can do to complete the look. We’re experts at designing pools that fit superbly into our clients’ backyards, but those pools look even better when surrounded by a well-thought-out display of flowers, plants, and grasses.

In our latest blog, the Pulliam Pools team is taking a detailed look at the things you need to think about when planning the plants to go around your pool, together with a few of our favorites that we think you’ll love in your own backyard.

What to consider when choosing plants for your pool

  • Mess – ideally, you want to create as little extra debris going into your pool water as possible, so plants that don’t drop their leaves in the fall are always a great idea.
  • Shade – it’s going to be hot  most of the time you spend by your own pool, so why not create some natural shade for everyone to retreat under when it gets too much?
  • Bugs – the last thing you want is plants that attract bugs to your pool area, especially those that bite. Even better are plants that actively discourage them or even drive them away!
  • Size – it may be stating the obvious, but plants grow. And some of them grow to be huge! Be extra mindful about how the plants will look in a few years because you won’t necessarily want them to dominate the area.
  • Privacy – Having said that, if your neighbors are overlooking your property and you don’t fancy being watched while you do a few laps or sip cocktails in the shallow end, some trees and hedges between you and them wouldn’t go amiss.
  • Color – in this regard, a backyard with a pool is no different from any other, because they all look better with bright and beautiful blooms to cheer everyone up. 

Best plants to have around a pool in Texas

  • Succulents

    Not only are they perfect for our climate, but succulents have the significant bonus of not shedding leaves, seeds, or needles into the water. And because they’re extremely hardy and drought-resistant, they tend to get on with doing their own thing in all weather and are unlikely to be damaged by being splashed with chlorinated water.

  • Insect repelling plants

    Naturally, you want the plants by your pool to look stunning, but wouldn’t it be even better if they did more than that? Like keeping mosquitos, bugs, and other pests away, for example? Lemongrass, lavender, mint, and marigold are all good for this because, while you may enjoy their aroma, lots of bugs don’t. If driving the little critters off isn’t enough for you, you could always try adding pitcher plants that will eat them instead!

  • Ornamental grass

    Not only do these look fantastic around any pool – as hinted at by the name! – but they’ll also give you some privacy without blocking out light or overwhelming the area. You’ll be looking at plants like pampas grass, fountain grass, and sideoats grama.

  • Bird of Paradise

    There aren’t many more colorful or arresting sights than a Bird of Paradise plant in full bloom. You’ll think you’ve escaped to a tropical paradise thanks to its lush foliage and stunning orange and blue flowers, before stopping to also appreciate its hardiness in the face of heat, direct sunlight, and exposure to chlorine. 

  • Plants for bees and butterflies

    We may have emphasized plants that dissuade bugs, but there are some you want around – not only because they’re good for your plants, but because they can add their own splash of color and tropical atmosphere, too. We’re talking butterflies and bees, but hummingbirds will also like plants such as lantana, hibiscus, and mandevilla.

Here at Pulliam Pools, we consider your whole backyard when designing your new swimming pool or any associated outdoor living features. We’ve been transforming backyards in and around Fort Worth, Weatherford, and Arlington for over 100 years and we know a bit about the types of plants that will do well around pools in our Texas climate.

We also offer weekly cleaning and maintenance services. Organic matter can throw off your water chemistry, so our services help you to keep the perfect balance all year round for you and your family.

Get in touch with us now to find out more about how we can help you realize your own backyard dreams!

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