Preparing Your Pool for Vacation | Pulliam Pools

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Preparing Your Pool for Vacation

You’re finally heading out on that vacation you’ve been waiting for and there’s one last thing to do on your checklist — ensure your pool is ready for you to leave for a bit. If your pool is not adequately prepared before you head out, you could come home to an unwelcome surprise of algae, well-accumulated debris and out-of-balance pool chemistry. Read on for a few pool maintenance tips that are sure to keep your pool healthy while you’re away. 

Residential swimming pool - Pulliam Pools

Check Your Water

Checking your water and making sure that the chemistry is balanced before you leave will go a long way in correcting and preventing any issues before you take off. You can do this yourself or bring a sample to your local pool store to have it checked professionally.

BONUS TIP: You may want to consider super chlorinating your pool before you go if you don’t have a friend or neighbor who will be able to look after it for you. Many experts recommend doubling the amount of pool shock that you typically would use and running your filter for at least a couple of hours. Be sure to test the waters when you return to ensure that the chlorine levels aren’t still too high!

Cover Your Pool

This may seem like the logical thing to do, but a surprising number of pool owners fail to cover their pools before they leave on vacation. There are many benefits to covering your pool. Not only will covering your pool keep debris and dirt out of your water, but it’ll block the sun’s UV rays which expedite algae and bacteria growth.

BONUS TIP: If you have a winter cover, use it when away on vacation.

Invest in a Timer

Our final tip for how to properly maintain a pool during vacation is to invest in a pool timer. A pool timer is an absolute must-have because it allows you to run your filter automatically for any desired amount of time on any day without you needing to physically be present to press the “on” or “off” switch.

BONUS TIP: If possible, invest in a timer that will allow you to split up run times to keep your pool waters as clean as possible.

Your Ft. Worth Pool Builder

The last thing you want to do while on your vacation is to constantly worry about what’s happening back home. By taking the time to properly prepare your pool for your absence, you’ll experience less of a hassle when you return. One of the best ways to ensure your pool is always in the best condition is by investing in an automated control system. These systems allow you to access your pool from your smart device anytime, anywhere, giving you the ability to control your pool wherever you are. 

Give the pool service experts at Pulliam Pools a call today, or stop by and see us to learn more about automating your pool and making pool ownership convenient for you while you travel. Also, consider hiring our professional pool service team to handle all of your pool care needs while you’re away! The professionals a Pulliam Pools remain dedicated to providing you with a worry-free pool ownership experience.

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