Planning the Perfect Pool Party for Your Kids | Pulliam Pools

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Planning the Perfect Pool Party for Your Kids

There are plenty of reasons for having a swimming pool in your backyard, but they really come into their own when it comes to planning a special party for the kids.

There’s no better way for kids to stay cool on a hot day than splashing about in a pool and, when there’s a whole gang of them together, they’re sure to have plenty of fun at the same time. But you can’t just let a bunch of kids loose in your backyard and swimming pool and expect everything to, well, go swimmingly! 

A successful kids pool party needs thought and planning, so that everyone is looked after, everyone has a great time, and everyone stays safe. So, here’s our guide to planning the perfect pool party for your kids.

Group of age-diverse boys and girls, happy friends with swim floats jumping into swimming pool at a pool party

Think carefully about the number of guests

Before sending out invites to every kid in the neighborhood, take time to consider how many you, your backyard, and your pool can actually cope with. If you invite too many, it could all quickly get out of hand, and some guests may feel that they’re missing out if the pool gets full and there’s not room for everyone to join in. Plus, too many kids running around causing chaos could be too much for you to cope with!

Provide floats

Not all kids can swim, but you want to make sure those that can’t are still able to participate in all the fun. A good selection of floats – preferably in lots of fun shapes and sizes! – is a must. Many floats can also be used as key elements in organized games (of which more shortly!).

Remember that if you’re trying to teach your child how to swim, you need to make sure you’re using a flotation aid that actually helps them do that – we discussed in this previous article how some floats not only don’t help them learn to swim, but could also actually be dangerous in some situations.

Plan fun and games

While kids are more than capable of getting on with entertaining themselves, you’d be far better off planning things for them to do that allow everyone to join in and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

There are plenty of possibilities, from water volleyball and giant ring toss (in which participants try to throw inflatable rings over a central cone) to float races and ride the bull (in which you see who can remain longest on an inflatable that’s hard to stay on). If you’re short of ideas, your local toy store is sure to have lots of games specially designed for use in a pool that you can buy to help things along. 

Of course, you need to bear in mind the ages of the children and make sure the games that you’re planning are appropriate.

Rustle up a playlist

Music is the perfect accompaniment to any party, so plan your perfect playlist beforehand. You could even incorporate the music into your planned activities by organizing a game of musical statues – they’ll find it far harder to stop moving when they’re in the water! But don’t forget the neighbors, so don’t play your music too loud.

Food and drink

Of course, you have to provide food and drinks for your guests. When it comes to food, your best bet is to keep things simple. Barbecued burgers and sausages are always popular and don’t require a lot of planning or effort, while pizzas are also a safe bet and can just be ordered in so that you don’t have to spend too much time preparing. But don’t forget to check beforehand to see if any of your guests have any special dietary needs – the last thing you’ll want on the day is an upset child who can’t have any of the food available. 

An outside kitchen or a swim-up pool bar, if you have them, will allow you to make preparing and serving your food and drinks even more fun as well!

Stay safe

Most important of all, keep the safety of your guests at the front of your mind at all times.

  • Never leave the kids unsupervised for a second – pools are a lot of fun but can also be dangerous, so make sure at least one adult is watching what’s going on at all times. And be quick to put a stop to any raucous behavior that could get out of hand!
  • Provide sunscreen – pool parties are best on a sunny day, but you need to make sure everyone is protected from dangerous UV rays. So make sure plenty of sunscreen is available and that everyone is using it.
  • Keep an eye out for pests – probably the quickest way to bring an end to a kids outdoor party is a sudden invasion of bugs or pests. Tiki torches can provide both decoration and repel bugs, while citrus candles are good for deterring mosquitos from joining in the fun.
  • Make sure your pool is clean and safe to use by getting someone in to carry out essential swimming pool servicing beforehand.


There’s no better place to enjoy a kids party than in a pool in your backyard – and there’s no better place to get the perfect backyard swimming pool than at Pulliam Pools. We’ve been designing and building award-winning pools in and around Fort Worth, Weatherford, and Arlington since 1916, while our expert pool maintenance services can ensure your pool is always in the best possible condition.

Get in touch with us now to find out more.

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