A Deep Dive Into Current Pool Regulations in Texas | Pulliam Pools

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A Deep Dive Into Current Pool Regulations in Texas

Dreaming of a new family pool in Texas? 

It’s good to dream big, but make sure that you stay on the right side of pool law when building private pools in this state. 

We’ve written this handy guide to help you achieve your pool aspirations while still adhering to local pool regulations. So let’s take a deep dive into the subject. 

Remember, this article is an overview of the rules and regulations, and you should always check with your local government authority for precise rules or get help from a pool construction expert. 

How close can a pool be to a house in Texas? 

The first part of planning will be; where do I locate my new pool? 

Note that the state of Texas does not often allow pools to be located in front yards. 

Furthermore, the distance requirements between the house and a pool will vary depending on the district, so it’s essential you check your local rules. Expect to see distance specifications ranging from around 3 meters to 5 meters. 

How close can a pool be to a house in Texas? - Pulliam Pools

Do I need a pool permit in Texas? 

Yes, you will need a pool permit to build a home pool in Texas. Check with the local authority on the information you will need to provide, and also with the local water authorities to ensure that they are also happy with your planned project.

Your pool must also comply with the International Building Code, International Plumbing Code and National Electric Code. 

Finally, remember to renew your permit every half-year or year depending on the timeframe outlined in the permit. 

What are pool fence requirements in Texas? 

All pools in the state of Texas must be enclosed by a fence, and there are multiple regulations that must be met:

  • The fence must be at least 4 feet tall. 
  • The fence cannot be made from a climbable material, and this includes chain-link fencing. 
  • Locks must be out of reach of small children. 
  • A pool gate must be self-close or self-latch, and must have a locking mechanism of one of the following: padlock, keycard, keypad, or combination lock. 
  • The fence or barrier must not have gaps in it that are greater than 4 inches wide. 

What are pool fence requirements in Texas?  - Pulliam Pools

For full details on pool laws, please take a look at this resource

Are there any other Texas pool laws to be aware of? 

Here are a few more Texas pool laws that don’t fit neatly into the above categories, but that are still important you’re aware of: 

  • If you have a house door that faces or leads to the pool, it must have a keyless bolting system installed that is fitted a minimum of 36 inches from the ground level. 
  • Windows that have direct access from your home to your pool must be permanently sealed off. 
  • All residential pools must have some sort of alarm safety system installed. Likewise, if you have a door on a pool boundary, this must also have an alarm. This alarm will then sound if someone enters the pool. Make sure this alarm is located out of the reach of young children. 

Also, be aware that commercial or public pools have different rules to residential pools, and so you must carry out separate research as this article only covers residential laws. 

What happens if I breach Texas residential pool laws? 

If you are in breach of Texas residential pool laws, you could face a fine and be asked to pay to make the changes needed to comply with the law. 

To avoid this expense and hassle, it’s better to design and construct your swimming pool within local regulations right from the start with help from an experienced pool builder. 

Searching for award-winning pool builders in Fort Worth, Texas? Here at Pulliam Pools, we’ve been designing, innovating and constructing residential pools for the local area since 1916. With over one hundred years of local knowledge, we help you achieve your dream pool while still adhering to Texas regulations.

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